Cyberpunk 2077 review part one.

Oh Cyberpunk 2077, where do I begin? It is really weird to have a game that on one hand, I really like and the other hand it pisses me off. Bottom line this feels like an unfinished game. Although is runs great on the PC, it’s still borked at times. To compare, a game I love is Satisfactory. Satisfactory is a game that is a work in progress. But somehow they have a way of making that fun, even when they update it and break your saves. Cyberpunk on the other hand has moments that are jaw dropping then you turn a corner and it just breaks your immersion. I wish they would have took the Satisfactory approach. Maybe release a few levels that were polished, then later release more. That being said it is a fun game for me, I have no regrets to my purchase. I was never into the hype for the game, in fact I wasn’t even aware of it. I remember seeing the original teaser trailer. Then at some point Keanu Reeves getting involved, that’s it. So when I got the game I was unaware of what was left out. As weeks went on after release is when I started to see the whole picture. Not only was the game not living up to their hype but CDPR took a black eye when people realized they were just like any other corporation. People had them on this pedestal. When you do that you are just setting yourself up for a fall. My first experience with a game not working was in 1996, “A10 Cuba” a military flight simulator. I put the CD in and nothing happened you couldn’t even install it. You had to download a patch just to get the game on your computer lol. Sad to say broken games began to be more of a thing after that for me. I’m actually more surprised when a game works as it should these days. Keep your expectations low and you’ll never be dissatisfied lol. But when playing Cyberpunk as big as it is, I get this feeling there should be more. There is a shit ton of doors you can’t open, that bothers me. Having these cybernetic implants I can use physical strength to rip open a reinforced metal gate, or use my hacking ability to open an electronic lock to get in. But that is only for very few doors you encounter in this game. A simple door to a bodega or door to an apartment, cant open it. As big as Night city is, there needs to be more access, more places to loot.

There are places in this world that are outright beautiful. The fact they put in an awesome photo mode shows they new they had something special. I love using it. There is certain times of the day where the lighting just makes everything realistic and breathtaking. Which leads me to another point, I don’t care about the main story. This game would have been triple A platinum if they would have kept it a strictly open world exploration game with side missions. I’m just hypothesizing here but I have a feeling this game faced several setbacks that seem obvious. First was the type of game it was supposed to be. I don’t believe Keanu Reeves was always part of the equation. Somewhere, some executive said we need star power. Now this is just speculation, I don’t know this as fact. I’m just trying to make sense of the delays and the product we got verses what was promised. Raytracing I believe was another factor. This technology is relatively new and is in this game. I’m sure it wasn’t part of the original development. They were contacted by Nvidia and they said, “Hey we have this new tech we’re trying to push, here’s some dollars include it please.” Again just speculation, not only added delays but changed the script. It was just another factor in the delay of this game. Still after all that, I do like this game. Not being a shill for CDPR but there is enough good in this game to keep me coming back.