PC Gaming is DEAD, Long Live PC Gaming!

It’s been a fun week for me regarding PC Gaming. First was a text from my daughters friend. She helped my daughter a lot in school and would come over the house a lot to play Overwatch together. She would play on my back up PC. The one in my previous post where I took some unemployed components and put them together and gave them a second life. The kid had it tough regarding having nice things. So I gave the PC to her and she very appreciative. It’s nice to give happiness to someone who deserves it. When I got the text it made me smile. Not only was she still using it, she upgraded it herself! New motherboard, ram, processor, cooler, and graphics card! I’m really proud of her.

The second was upgrading my friend’s son’s computer with components he got for Christmas. We tried to upgrade it on Christmas Eve but we ran into a snag with a bad motherboard. I felt so bad bad this kid was not going to have a working PC for Christmas day. To make matters worse I was going to be out of state for the next week and wouldn’t be able to get to it until I got back.

So when I returned I went to helping them right away. With the new motherboard it was a breeze. Everything went together without a hitch. Hit the power button loaded the drivers and we were ready to go. They came over to pick up the unit and I showed them what to do when it came to driver updates and care for the machine. His son was so happy he gave me a huge hug. The next day when I saw my friend at work he said his son loved it and was playing games all night.

Building PCs is fun and rewarding. Not only for yourself but when you do it for others as well. Sometimes the PC hobby feels like this solitary thing. Like you are the only one into it irl. Sure I’m involved with many groups online and have many friends there. But as much as I like to play the character of the basement dwelling tech recluse, it is fun to interact irl with people who are into the hobby. Knowing I made some ones day a little bit brighter is a reward in itself.