4070RTX Video card upgrade

I upgraded my video card from an 3070RTX to an 4070RTX. I did this because I noticed the card was running out of V-ram. Which is a shame because it runs games at great frame rate. I first encountered the problem in Forza Horizons 5. The game updated and defaulted all my settings to max. I noticed things looked remarkably better. Especially when I was driving at night, the fireworks at the festivals were amazing. But, I was getting a low memory warning at the top of the screen. Sure enough I opened the task manager and memory was maxing out. Another reason I wanted to upgrade was to replace the 1080GTX card in my back up gaming rig that my wife uses. It was also my birthday and I figured now was a good time.

The 4070RTX is a really good card. Seems like a lot of reviewers don’t like the 4070RTX for one reason or another. One of the things I like about the card is that it only takes up two slots. I was tempted to get a 4070TI, but I can’t see giving up 3.5 slots for a graphic card. The 4070RTX also better on power consumption and has a 22% increase in performance over my older card. To my surprise I really like the NVIDIA reference design, it has a really clean industrial look. The card is built very well, it’s so sturdy I don’t need a support like I did for the 3070 to keep it from sagging. Although I love RGB lights and aggressive design, this card delivers on another level. This card just looks good. The wide wall styling and vent lines look purposeful and accent the lights in the case.

Final Thoughts.

The packaging on this card was awesome. I’d have no doubts this would survive any shipping mishap. The performance of the card is on par with a 3080 and I am fine with that. The extra V-ram lets me get the most of my favorite games and was the primary reason for the upgrade. The aesthetics took me by surprise. I normally go for RGB everywhere but the design looks great. Until the next up grade.